The Provincial Government of Camarines Norte through the Community Affairs Office (CAO)distributed educational assistance to more than a thousand Grade 7 students in their 3-day activity that started January 26, 2022 held at various schools in Labo, Camarines Norte.
Around 808 beneficiaries from the secondary schools of Aniceta Delara, Baay, Camarines Norte College, Northhills College, New Life Gospel Academy and Saint John the Apostle Academy received Php 2,000.00 educational assistance each on the first day of distribution while 758 beneficiaries from Labo National High School, Camarines Norte International School, Calabasa Integrated School, Pagasa High School, Labo Science and Technology High School and Talobatib High School received the same amount of assistance on the second day of distribution.
In behalf of Gov. Egay Tallado and First District Representative Josie Baning Tallado, Former Provincial Administrator Alvin Jerome Tallado lead the distribution together with the employees of the CAO of the Provinvcial Government.
Meanwhile, the same team are set for to go for the same activity to the Barangays of Canapawan, Daguit and Bagong Silang-I to distribute assistance to the remaining Grade 7 beneficiaries of the said town.
Said assistance by the PGCN ultimately seeks to embolden the students and motivate them to do better in their studies for themselves, their families and the society.