The province of Camarines Norte is now ready to welcome more vaccinated tourists and visitors as the whole country transition to new normal according to provincial tourism office.
In an interview by Cool Radio News Fm,Provincial Tourism Officer Mr. Mariano “Bong” Palma said that their office has always been ready for the forthcoming summer season and holy week observance where large number of tourists and vistors are expected to visit the province.

The office stated that even during the pandemic and until now, their office continued to conduct site assessments and validation among resorts, restaurants, hotels, accomodations and other tourism related establishments including the strict implementation of safety and health protocols.
Said officer was also glad to announce that the tourism industry in the province is beginning to grow as the country continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic.
With lots of newly established resorts and accomodations going hand in hand with the discovery of natural attractions such as waterfalls, rivers and hiking spots, Palma is hopeful that the province can attract more tourists now that the border eases off travel requirements and asks only vaccination card for entry.
In fact, according to the officer, these past weekend, the office recorded 215 tourists who visited Calaguas Island and more than 300 visited the Mercedes Group of Islands.
However, Palma requested everyone to still be mindful about each other’s health and participation on the observance of health protocols at all times such as wearing of face masks, proper hygiene and sanitation and providing necessary informations for contact tracing.
He also requested everyone to be responsible hosts and visitors. According to him, it is important to respect nature by not littering ang avoiding unnecessary actions that may cause harm to the people and places in the province.