Based on the recent data released by Daet IMT thru Emergency Operations Center, Daet remains to be low risk area of COVID-19 because of 0% average daily attack rate of the disease in the 25 barangay for almost a month.
The municipality is also now at Alert Level 1 after having 81.05% of immunization coverage from March 2021 to March 30, 2022 based on Provincial COVID-19 Vaccination Operation Center data.
In the 1,340 cumulative cases recorded in the municipality, 1,272 patients already recovered from COVID-19, while 68 patients who tested positive in COVID-19 died and 38 probable/suspected patients died since the pandemic started in 2020.
As the center of commerce in the province, the municipality of Daet already has a low restrictions of minimum health protocols.
Indoor and outdoor places, as well as public/private establishments can now operate in their full capacity including public transportaion.