PHO encourages Municipalities and Barangays to intensify campaigns and prevention against dengue

PHO encourages Municipalities and Barangays to intensify campaigns and prevention against dengue

The Provincial Health Office calls for intensified campaign and prevention against dengue due to the unceasing increase in its recorded cases in the province.

According to Provincial Health Officer Dr. Arnel Francisco, it is time to strengthen the action of Local Government Units (LGUs) against dengue, especially in areas with high cases.

According to Dr. Francisco, the barangay council should conduct a meeting to discuss precautionary measures to prevent the widespread dengue in the respective area.

The province recorded 133 cases of dengue from January to June 2022.

In PHO’s data, the dengue cases in Camarines Norte rapidly increased in the last 14 days.

For the morbidity week 25-26 or from June 19-July 2, 2022, the province reaches 23 cases which are higher compared to only 3 cases recorded in the same period last year.

Dr. Francisco also added that the public should also practice the 4 o’clock habit in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases, especially dengue.

The 4 o’clock Habit has been the campaign of the Department of Health (DOH) for years to engage the public and raise awareness in the communities on measures in preventing mosquitos from breeding in areas that contain water.

It is also followed by 4-S strategy against dengue, especially in areas where there are dengue cases.

The 4-S stands for (1) “Search and destroy” mosquito-breeding sites, (2) employ “Self-protection measures” like wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts, and daily use of mosquito repellent, (3) “Seek early consultation”, and (4) “Support fogging/spraying” in hotspot areas where there are reported cases of dengue for two consecutive weeks to prevent a possible outbreak.

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