Yesterday, January 9, 2023 was the first day of Business One Stop Shop (BOSS) CY 2023 in the Municipality of Daet. Business owners from LGU-Daet may now renew and secure their businesses at the Municipal Covered Court. The transactions starts at 8:00am to 5:00pm until March 10, 2023- except weekends.

This is accordance to the Republic Act No. 11032(RA 11032) mandates LGUs and government agencies to provide the public with quality services by reducing expenses and inconveniences during business transactions with the government.

They also advised to follow their respective schedule based on their 2022 mayor’s permit numbers.
These are the requirements for getting a business permit:
Cedula, Barangay Business Clearance, Zoning/Locational Clearance, Annual Inspection Clearance, Fire Safety Clearance (??? ??????? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????-???? ???????? ???????) Sanitary Permit, Updated Medical Card, DTI/SEC/CDA Certification, Market Clearance (depending on your market/business location) BFAD Certification, Registration copy of Business Name, Provincial Permit, SSS Clearance, Philhealth Clearance, PagIbig (HDMF) BIR Clearance.

source/photos: MIO